You’ve made it this far, it’s time to win the deal.
Create urgency and close the deal now, not later.
Create urgency and close the deal now, not later.
(Translation: you aren’t a priorityPriority A commitment to eliminate a threat that’s both urgent and important. A priority is what will get acted on, instead of just discussed. It differs from a pain point because most pain points never get acted on..)
To win the deal, you’re going to need to win over a buying team and make yourself a priority. At this point, this is your final shot, and the way your salesperson performs in front of the group is everything.
Win over the room and close the deal (in-person and virtually)
Overcome your buying team’s competing priorities
Leverage the right tools to drive priority over your competition
Win the Brain
Win the Deal
(You’re on this page)
Win the Journey