What are winning teams doing right now to grow revenue, grab market share and protect margins?
The realities of selling A/E/C in 2020 are harsh. Too many good A/E/C firms are chasing fewer opportunities and the way buying teams buy is inherently causing commoditizationCommoditization Absence of any perceived value, making it so that price becomes the only determining factor. Whether there is real differentiation or not, if the prospect’s brain cannot or will not distinguish this differentiation, it doesn’t matter.. The decline of traditional face to face relationship building leaves old approaches out of touch and ineffective. Learn how winning teams are adapting and improving to stay profitable in 2020 by:
- Using objective data to understand and make better decisions on staffing.
- Arming their business development and sales teams with pitches and messaging that connects to their prospect’s real priorities.
- Using technology to record and analyze “game film” and train towards real-world scenarios.
About RPG
RPG is a team of revenue accelerators that work with CEOs and Principals whose number one priorityPriority A commitment to eliminate a threat that’s both urgent and important. A priority is what will get acted on, instead of just discussed. It differs from a pain point because most pain points never get acted on. is to stay relevant and vital. We believe that the biggest current threat you face is becoming a commodity in your prospect’s eyes.
What’s making it worse? Decision teams keep getting bigger and they are ignoring your sales teams until the very end of their buyers journey. This drives a race to the bottomRace To The Bottom This happens in the procurement sale phase where there’s little to no vendor differentiation in the prospect’s brain. Price becomes the deciding factor, and vendors many times get pitted against each other to win via the lowest possible price. Organizations may hope that later this pricing position can be reclaimed (after the initial sale is made, in future sales), but this rarely happens. caused by what we call the 3 deadly C’s (commoditization, compressed selling timeCompressed Selling Time Technology has enabled people to glean more education and insights without the assistance or guidance of salespeople. A 2020 Gartner study demonstrated that 83% of the prospect’s buying journey is completed before the salesperson is invited in. Less selling time prohibits effective investigation of need and trust building, putting all sellers at a disadvantage and making “selling” all about responding to requests, reacting, and order taking. and consensus decision making.)
This race won’t stop on its own and we believe that teams are unprepared and ill-equipped for the future we are living in.
RPG is the only organization built specifically to help you battle the 3 Deadly C’s in a way that helps you win the brain, win the journey and win the deal.
Title: Can My BizDev Team Compete Now?
Date: September 9th, 12p MT / 3ET