Revenue Function

The act of generating revenue for the organization (sales, marketing, branding, PR, service, etc). Due to the commoditizationCommoditization Absence of any perceived value, making it so that price becomes the only determining factor. Whether there is real differentiation or not, if the prospect’s brain cannot or will not distinguish this differentiation, it doesn’t matter. of products/services and the limited time of uniqueness, value creation or destruction has now moved to the revenue functionRevenue Function The act of generating revenue for the organization (sales, marketing, branding, PR, service, etc). Due to the commoditization of products/services and the limited time of uniqueness, value creation or destruction has now moved to the revenue function. Unfortunately, friction and misalignment leaves organizations unprepared and ill equipped to capture value here.. Unfortunately, friction and misalignment leaves organizations unprepared and ill equipped to capture value here.