Primitive Brain
The oldest part of the brain whose main responsibility is to keep a person safe and out of danger (both physically and socially). It makes decisions quickly with little to no research (people will often credit their “gut” or “heart”), and it is where 90% of all decisions begin. The primitive brainPrimitive Brain The oldest part of the brain whose main responsibility is to keep a person safe and out of danger (both physically and socially). It makes decisions quickly with little to no research (people will often credit their “gut” or “heart”), and it is where 90% of all decisions begin. The primitive brain doesn’t know how to read, and it gets confused when provided with more and more information. It takes the least amount of energy to operate and never sleeps. doesn’t know how to read, and it gets confused when provided with more and more information. It takes the least amount of energy to operate and never sleeps.