Consensus Decision-MakingConsensus Decision-Making Decision making teams average nearly seven people in size. Gaining agreement among seven is challenging, especially when each person has their own priorities. The net result is often indecision or selecting a solution that’s much smaller than what should be purchased to meet the organization’s needs. Can Be Overcome
Hi Bryan Gray at the Revenue Path Group, lemme ask you a question. When was the last time you dealt with just one decision-maker that could make the decision completely by themselves and didn’t need to talk to anyone else? Kind of a dream right? Welcome to the early 90s of selling, it was that easy.
Now we live in a world where decision-making teams average nearly 7 people. And what’s really problematic about that? It’s not about comparing you against your direct competitor. But when 7 people are involved in a decision, everyone has their own priorities.
So as decision-making teams have gotten bigger, it’s not wonder why delayed decision-making is taking over. Why it’s harder than ever to start a project you think they desperately need. So to deal with consensus decision-making, you cannot wait until the very end and try and content with 6 other people with their own priorities. We need to find a way to get you in earlier with the true decision-maker so you can connect your real impact to their top priorityPriority A commitment to eliminate a threat that’s both urgent and important. A priority is what will get acted on, instead of just discussed. It differs from a pain point because most pain points never get acted on..